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Remedium has developed solid sorbents that can capture carbon dioxide effectively, and economically. There are several use cases for our sorbent materials, and our process is capable of decarbonizing hard-to-abate industries including cement, steel, and fossil-fuel produced electricity.


What’s more, is that the spent sorbent materials from our process are used in the cement industry for clinker production, creating a huge opportunity for decarbonization of the cement manufacturing process. The sorbents can also be used for production of blue hydrogen, facilitating production of hydrogen at a cost competitive price point.


An exciting feature that we are currently developing, is the use of our sorbents and process for grid-scale electricity storage. We are essentially developing a battery that works by capturing carbon dioxide. Our results indicate that this can potentially position carbon capture as a profitable business, rather than a costly addon while helping transition to wider implementation of renewable energy by providing storage capability to the electrical grid.

Carbon Capture Battery

At Remedium, we have developed a battery that operates by capturing carbon dioxide from air or high emitting industries to store electricity. 

Remedium's carbon capture battery is the first of its kind to make the process of capturing carbon dioxide profitable. Deploying our technology:

  • minimizes your carbon dioxide emission,

  • generates $10-$50 of profit for capturing each tonne of carbon dioxide,

  • and, provides a solution for renewable energy storage problem.

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Remedium's Enhanced Solid Sorbent

One of the main obstacles for calcium looping commercialization is the decrease in sorbent reactivity after multiple cycles. Remedium’s lab-scale testing showed that its developed patent pending sorbent can maintain uptake capacity of 3 times higher than natural sorbents after 100 cycles. Remedium’s sorbents are applicable to a wide range of industries (i.e. post-combustion capture, blue hydrogen production, and direct air capture). The spent sorbents are reused in the cement industry for clinker production.

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